We hear about smart home and IoT. These definitions are wide and I would like to focus on mine vision and my adventure with building Smart Home by using Internet of Things
I have started from idea of building smart socket to turn off multiple TV/media devices by using only one remote. Later I tried to minimize electricity bills. So first step I supposed to turn off all not in use devices remotely. That was beginning…
In order to realize my plans I needed to learn Arduino IDE and later also IRDA communication, wireless 433 MHz and MQTT.
First I have configure Arduino with IRDA diode and few relays, added wireless control and connected everything to my LAN network via ESP8266 module. I have installed also OpenHAB controller that gave me possibility to control from Internet or my mobilephone.
Why do not think about further saving costs. Turn on devices when we leave or get a sleep. I changed my electricity tariff (cheaper nights and weekends) from G11 to G12w and this also enforced to use some scheduler.
But… Sky is the limit…
At the beginning of writing of this blog in 2016 my smart home looked like here:

Every element means hours of reading, learning, watching youtubes and testing not always with success. In order to help you guys I will put the most valuable solutions and ideas whenever I find something smarty. But let’s back to my setup.
This is heart of smart home. Compact Arduino Pro mini where I have connected all wifi modules, irda receiver, transmitter and receiver for wireless 433Mhz, relays and current detection sensor.
ESP8266 module
In basic version ESP-01 – It is used for communication between Arduino and WiFi network using MQTT protocol

IRDA diode
It receives signals from TV remote and sends them to Arduino which controls relays and let OpenHAB knows about state updates.
Radio 433MHz modules
they are control to the cheap wireless sockets and they can be controlled from Arduino and OpenHAB
They switch ~230V socket when get 5V input from Arduino controlled by Arduino or remote.
This smart guy uses Hall’s effect to measure a current. When main device is not under load we may program to turn it off. In my case if amplituner is switched off it means turn off also other sockets where are connected TV or active subwoofer.
On top of that we have logic to manage all devices, also virtual ones. You would like to control devices using tablet, mobile phone, Internet… You can’t get this done without OpenHAB. It allows to communicate with thousands of protocols and they can be used almost out of the box. Integrates also existing setup with solutions like Google Home or Amazon Alexa.
It introduce also intelligent scheduler and rules depends on situation, time, state etc.
How to connect and configure? Read my posts.